"Good idea" Part 1

The "Good idea" parts are going to consist of-you guessed it!-good ideas. You better enjoy them!

Good idea #1
~Keep a diary~
Keeping a diary can result in great fun when you are older. You keep track of what interesting things happened and when you're all grown up, you get to have a trip down memory road!
I have a diary on google drive and I just log on google and write down what happened that day.  It's easy!
Diaries can be kept in books just as well as online.
Books have a personal touch because of the hand writing!

"Good idea" Part one has ended.  Thank you and goodnight.

Truth or dare?

Does everyone know how to play this game?  It-a goes-a like-a this-a.

1st person "Truth or dare?"
2nd person "Truth"
1st person "Have you ever punched someone?"
2nd person "Yes"
2nd person "Truth or dare?"
1st person "Dare"
2nd person "I dare you to shout 'Happy Birthday' outside"
1st person *goes outside to shout happy birthday*

It's fun if you are in a tight group.  Or even to get to know a group.