The Truth... about random things

Here's the truth, peoples, my name is not John and friggin Batmanfan is not called Batmanfan.  My name is Nettie. "What am awesome name?!" is probably what you're thinking and you're right, my name is awesome. It's the coolest. I've never met another Nettie before (except when I was like zero but that really old lady died before I could remember stuff anyways...). Nettie is my name so you can stop calling me John because for one I don't know why my fake name is John it should be Max and for two I'm a freaking girl so I really don't understand why I said John in the first place. Oh and "Batmanfan" is actually Ellie so that's something. She's my little sis. Don't say that though because it sounds really girly... sis... ugggha. Ummm what else was I gunna say...
Oh right! Apparently, a lobsters brain is in the spot is kidneys are supposed to be and vise versa.
There you have it! The truth about a few things! Really, the only reason I did this is because it's getting embarrassing calling myself John and my sister Batmanfan.... Aaaand scene.

Thanksgiving part 2

Ok so this is obviously the part 2 to the part 1 that I had previously said there would be a part 2 to.  Yeah... this is the part 2. Enjoy.

Thanksgiving Upload Part 1

So this is what we did a while back at thanksigiving... we had a wondrous time cooking things we didn't want to.

Cookie notice for European laws

So apparently Europe has a law that says something like you have to explain that your website has cookies... I don't actually know what it says but I just got a notice on my google blogger that says I need to do something about that. This is me saying that there are cookies on this site for all you European folk.  Uhhh... if you have more questions about the site's cookies put them in the comments and I will figure out the answers.

Good Ideas-Part 2

Despite the fact that I've already posted today, Imma post again. DEAL.

So, Good Ideas--Part 2. Like I've said before, it consist of-you guessed it-good ideas! Good idea number two is about Drawing.
I know what you're thinking. I'm no good at drawing  I can't draw   Drawing is stupid and I can't do it.
Well, I don't give a crap about what you're thinking right now. I don't care if you're not any good at drawing. Only people who draw all the time get good at it. See what I'm saying? You have to draw all the time to get awesome at it.
Also, drawing it awesome (even if you can't). It stimulates you're creativity and helps you focus on other activities.
Bottom line drawing is awesome and everyone should try it.

"Good idea" Part 1

The "Good idea" parts are going to consist of-you guessed it!-good ideas. You better enjoy them!

Good idea #1
~Keep a diary~
Keeping a diary can result in great fun when you are older. You keep track of what interesting things happened and when you're all grown up, you get to have a trip down memory road!
I have a diary on google drive and I just log on google and write down what happened that day.  It's easy!
Diaries can be kept in books just as well as online.
Books have a personal touch because of the hand writing!

"Good idea" Part one has ended.  Thank you and goodnight.

Truth or dare?

Does everyone know how to play this game?  It-a goes-a like-a this-a.

1st person "Truth or dare?"
2nd person "Truth"
1st person "Have you ever punched someone?"
2nd person "Yes"
2nd person "Truth or dare?"
1st person "Dare"
2nd person "I dare you to shout 'Happy Birthday' outside"
1st person *goes outside to shout happy birthday*

It's fun if you are in a tight group.  Or even to get to know a group.

Paracord bracelets challenge

Can you make paracord bracelets?  Challenge--go out and buy five packets of paracord and two pack of clips.  DON'T SELL THESE! THESE ARE FOR YOU TO MATCH WITH YOUR CLOTHES AND TO GIVE (not sell) TO FRIENDS!
(Before you do all of this, read everything.  When I say everything I mean everything.)
Go to this site, paracord bracelets' link.  It is not my site, it is it's complete own site by someone who I 'm not sure and someone who is not me.
Follow the instructions and make the bracelet.  Make the bracelet for your "friends".  Not best friends, just the "friends".
Now, go to this site, different paracord bracelets' link and make them for your family.  Again, this is not my site.
For your BEST friends, make the bracelets on this link, best friend's paracord bracelets.  NOT MY SITE.  Make those for only your best of best friends.
Be sure to measure the sizes of the bracelets every time you make one.  Don't click on any links or ads from the three sites.
Accept of decline the challenge.  Your choice. If you do decide to accept, be sure to post comments!  Have fun!  Any questions or comments, post them in the comments place below!